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Stephan Nitsch †

Great builder of Lilienthal replica's, but his glider gyro is what got me interested.

#@hanno; sept 2004 Home »

Stephan Nitsch aircraft.

Stephan Nitsch gliders.

rebuilding history / creating history

Gyro glider

Years ago I saw a small picture of a gyro-glider, supposedly built in what was then still East Germany. Years later I found the man and his website and his "contraption". Since the first picture when Stephan Nitsch was still living behind the iron curtain, is East Germany, things have changed. Stephan has beautifully recreated gliders of Otto Lillenthal and with an English friend of Chanute.
I got in contact with him, but alas he was already ill and he is no more...
This page is a tribute and hopefully inspirational in thinking beyond the obvious.

Look at the movie of him standing in the wind, with an obviously not well balanced rotor.
But what a sight!!
Stephan Nitsch made a pdf of his gyro glider which also explains the east german background

The question still remaining : "Is it possible to make a gyro-glider with which one can really fly ?"

Stephan Nitsch answered this question by sendig me some pictures of a guy flying a gyrocopter. The name of the images sugests the gyrocopter was towed to height and a glide followed. There is a youtube movie with this gyroglider. MP4 Video 5.6Mb

The rest of the info of the webpages of Stephan Nitsch

Stephan Nitsch has been very busy in making replica's of the gliders of the first people to fly, like Otto Lilliental and Octave Chanute.
As his homepage seems to be lost, I publish almost all the information that was on his website. (Sorry but the images on his website were small ...)

From Lilienthal, Chanute - Rogallo to modern gliders former startpage

Historical research of gliders reconstruction and replicating.

Replicas in flight - Nachbauten im Flug, former webpage 2

Attempts with Lilienthal/Chanute replica former webpage 3

01./02. Juni 2006 Wasserkuppe
Location: Wasserkuppe - Germany max. flight distance: 15 m
Participants: Stephan Nitsch
Teilnehmer: Tony Prentice (hang glider pioneer since 1968); Thomas Reinhard (author, active since 1977)
Camera: Reinhard Nitsch

Attempts with Lilienthal Replica former webpage 4

20. Mai 2005
Location: near Quedlinburg - Germany; max. flight distance: 20 m
Pilot: Stephan Nitsch
Camera: H.-J. Littmann
MPG Video 1.6Mb

Attempts with Chanute Replica former webpage 5

4. August 2000
Location: near freeway Hannover - Berlin Germany; max. flight distance: 20 m
Pilot: Stephan Nitsch and Tony Prentice
MPG Video 355kb
Pictures - Copyright © by Nitsch  Version 06/06

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