Walking bicycle, Jansen mechanism. Nav bar wind-water.nl
Walking cycle.

Jansen beach-animal ("strandbeest") mechanism.
Used in a different way.

#@hanno; may 2005 Home »

Walking cycle, Jansen mechanism

Walking cycle Jansen beach-animal mechanism.

Many of the problems I see when building a Theo Jansen mechanism for human power have been solved in the design presented in the video.
There still remain some major issues :
  • Theo Jansen uses plastic tubings with some flexibility in his "standbeesten" (beach-animals).
  • The "strandbeesten" are relatively light.
  • "Standbeesten" have many legs, reducing the vertical motion of the body
  • Steering a multi legged beast is difficult. My design has uncoupled for and hind legs allowing the cycle to bend in the middle ...
  • The Theo Jansen Mechanism requires little power as you can see from the wind driven designs, will this be true for the heavily loaded cycle also?
  • Can is walk at any speed?

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